Rev. Anthony Wallace, Sr.


The fact that Rev. Anthony Wallace, Sr. was recently named a chaplain for the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) is not a surprise to anyone who knows him.  He believes that God has been preparing him for this role and he sees it as a continuation of his current ministry.  In addition to his chaplaincy role, Anthony co-pastors New Spiritual Life Christian Church in Indianapolis with his daughter, Rev. Lena Middleton.

 Anthony and his wife, Linda Ann, have been married for forty-six years and they have two children, eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren.  When he was only 5 years-old, Anthony watched as his own father was shot to death in their home.  Anthony made up his mind at a young age to be the father that he never had and, in 2017, he wrote a book about his dad entitled “Cloud of Dust.”

In fact, not only was Anthony a father to his own children, but he also started an organization called Security Dads at Arlington High School.  This group had over 150 members that served the school for twenty-five years and influenced over 45,000 students.  The program was so successful that Anthony received awards from the Mayor, the Governor, and in 1996, he was invited to be the Keynote Speaker at the White House Conference on School Safety!

In the Foreword to Anthony’s book, current I.P.S. teacher and 1995 graduate of A.H.S., Marlon Sam wrote the following, “They showed up.  This is all one would need to say when describing the Security Dads.  When tragedy brought a sense of despair and hopelessness to Arlington High School, they showed up.  When the number of children growing up in fatherless homes increased, they showed up.  As a former student of IPS, and now a current teacher, I have witnessed firsthand what a group of committed men are capable of doing.”

In March of 2013, Anthony again followed God’s call and he started a church while he was also working full-time and attending Wesley Seminary!  He graduated from seminary in 2015 and says that his experience was a “wonderful time of being inspired and loved.  I loved the residencies and really looked forward to them.  I had a beautiful friendship with the faculty and am 100% sure that I was in the right place.  The saddest moment for me was just after graduation when I realized that I would not get to see my classmates again.  I cherish many wonderful memories in my heart from Wesley Seminary!”